Sunday, October 18, 2009

Aunt Mary's Birthday Afghan

Here's another afghan I just finished. It's twice as wide as you see in the picture. This was made from 'I Love This Yarn' also. It is the Country Blue and Sierra Stripe. The block is the 12 inch Bold Square block from this website. I joined this one the same way that Kennedy's was done with the flat braid joining.

Here is Aunt Mary with her afghan last Sunday.

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Kennedy's Afghan

Kennedy's afghan is finished. I made it from Hobby Lobby's 'I Love This Yarn' and it turned out really well. It's made from the same block pattern throughout and I'll put a link to the pattern later. I used flat braided joining that I first read about on under edgings and joining. Then I found additional information on this site that was a revised version of Priscilla's joining instructions. This is YarnCrazy's Blog She has a link to her afghan joining hints. The pattern for the block is also hers, Flower Burst. You'll find a link on her blog.
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